Thursday, February 28, 2008


I was asked to make an invitation for a house-warming party last week. I took the job as an oportunity to try a fully colored style and see what i could do with it. It is heavily influenced by the work of Tadahiro Uesugi. The customer wanted an element of her new place and herself in the picture. Luckily her apartment was in a beautiful city-house so there were a lot of nice architectural details. I'll describe how i went to work, more for myself then anything else.

I had first made some colorstudies from the first things i came up with. The customer liked the first one alot, especially the silhouette and the warm colors. I told her i would get back to her with some more ideas so i started sketching.

We met again and she picked the view from the terrace looking into the house (bottom left of the second page of sketches), but instead of a girl sitting she wanted a party in the apartment. I made some more sketches looking for a more exciting composition working with the perspective. Eventually i picked a view from below which would give me some nice lines in the ironwork on the terrace and which would also limit the amount of people i had to draw in as time was very short. I made a (crappy) definite sketch and devised the colorscheme.

Then all i had to do was add the details. :) Seven and half hours later i came out with this. As it was 4 o'clock at night, i was pretty happy with it. I tried to work with textures and strong colors. The silhouettes of the other guests in the background is kind of flat and not really in a correct perspective, but in the foreground this gives the woman a more appealing silhouette. In retrospect I should have weakened the green on the horizontal groves in the stones on the left, but it's not too bad. I should have indicated her other arm more, but that notion escaped me at the time. The victim of a tight schedule.



Blogger Andreas said...

heeel geniaal goed!
echt knap!
mooi mooi

4:30 AM  
Blogger Koen De Koninck said...

Cool, man! Echt wel aanlokkelijk kaartje. Mooie kleuren, en tof perspectief en compositie. Alleen dat meiske haar hand met dat wijnglas zou ik iets vrouwelijker gemaakt hebben. Puik puik!

5:59 AM  
Blogger willborough said...

dank u wel voor de commentaar! Keunemeun, ge hebt gelijk over haar hand; het had wel wat eleganter mogen zijn.


1:39 PM  
Blogger the comics expert said...

One does think you perhaps sometimes overthink. I like it a lot. I'm sure it wouldn't've gotten to that stage without all the thinking, but man, do all artists have to be this self-effacing? Is there a contract you sign?
It looks really good, well designed & laid out. There's some real talent in that head of yours.

1:07 PM  
Blogger willborough said...

thanks, man! If your working for someone, I guess your bound to do some (over)thinking. Let's not forget; with great power comes great responsibility ;)


3:03 PM  
Blogger Wouter Bruneel said...

It's pretty good. Has a real * insert that japanese guy with the streets and ladies in those streets illustrations* - feel to it!!

3:44 PM  
Blogger John Freeman said...

I think there's a great deal of difference between drawing for yourself and doing a commission. It doesn't matter if you disagree, the customer is (generally) always right. That said, as an editor, I do often find that artists will deliver a draft or layout and then 'polish' the final art. In some cases, especially on comics work, this means a page becoems a piece of art rather than a piece of storytelling and the energy that made you originally employ an artist is lost. Sometimes, your first, gut instincts when it comes to drawing or writing are often the best. Too much re-working can stifle raw creativity.

6:06 AM  
Blogger willborough said...

I had hoped i had not fallen in that trap on this one, allthough it has certainly happened before. I do agree on the customer always being right, as long as you can add something to the assignment otherwise they shouldn't have asked you in the first place.

thanks for the comments!


2:43 AM  
Blogger Robin said...

excellent excellent design! I love the colours!

When I buy a new house, I'll be coming to you for the card designs

2:12 PM  
Blogger willborough said...

Thank you very much. I'm a big fan of your work. Just let me know when you want those cards! ;)


4:45 PM  
Blogger tek! said...

*hoest* tadahiro uesugi *hoest*
maar wel schoon uitgevoerd.
ook merci om het werkproces te posten.

8:27 AM  
Blogger willborough said...

Zoals Wildah al zei. De man is dan ook geniaal.


9:48 AM  

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